TechTrader Bytecode Toolkit
Class ExceptionHandler


public class ExceptionHandler
extends Object
implements InstructionPtr

Represents a try {} catch() {} statement in bytecode.

Abe White

Constructor Summary
protected ExceptionHandler(Code owner)
          Protected constructor.
Method Summary
 void acceptVisit(BCVisitor visit)
protected  void copy(ExceptionHandler orig)
 Class getCatchType()
          Get the class of the catch() type; returns null for catch-all clauses used to implement finally blocks.
 int getCatchTypeIndex()
          Get the index into the constant pool of the ClassEntry describing the Exception type this handler catches.
 String getCatchTypeName()
          Get the class of the catch() type; returns null for catch-all clauses used to implement finally blocks.
 int getEndPc()
          Get the program counter end position for this exception handler.
 int getHandlerPc()
          Get the start of the actual exception handler code.
 Instruction getHandlerStart()
          Get the instruction marking the beginning of the catch {} block.
 int getStartPc()
          Get the program counter start position for this exception handler.
 Instruction getTryEnd()
          Get the instruction at the end of the try {} block.
 Instruction getTryStart()
          Get the instruction marking the beginning of the try {} block.
protected  void invalidate()
          Used to invalidate the handler when it is removed from the code block.
protected  void readData(DataInput in)
 void setCatchType(Class type)
          Set the class of the catch() type, or null for catch-all clauses used for finally blocks.
 void setCatchTypeIndex(int catchTypeIndex)
          Set the index into the constant pool of the ClassEntry describing the Exception type this handler catches.
 void setCatchTypeName(String name)
          Set the class of the catch() type, or null for catch-all clauses used with finally blocks.
 void setEndPc(int endPc)
          Set the program counter end position for this exception handler.
 void setHandlerPc(int handlerPc)
          Get the start of the actual exception handler code.
 void setHandlerStart(Instruction instruction)
          Set the Instruction marking the beginning of the catch block.
 void setMarkers(List opcodes)
          Use the byte indexes read from the .class file to calculate and set references to the target instruction(s) for this ptr.
 void setStartPc(int startPc)
          Set the program counter start position for this exception handler.
 void setTryEnd(Instruction instruction)
          Set the Instruction at the end of the try block.
 void setTryStart(Instruction instruction)
          Set the Instruction marking the beginning of the try block.
protected  void writeData(DataOutput out)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ExceptionHandler(Code owner)
Protected constructor.
Method Detail


protected void invalidate()
Used to invalidate the handler when it is removed from the code block.


public int getStartPc()
Get the program counter start position for this exception handler. This represents an index into the code byte array.


public void setStartPc(int startPc)
Set the program counter start position for this exception handler. This represents an index into the code byte array.


public void setTryStart(Instruction instruction)
Set the Instruction marking the beginning of the try block. The Instruction must already be a part of the method. WARNING: if this instruction is deleted, the results are undefined.


public Instruction getTryStart()
Get the instruction marking the beginning of the try {} block. WARNING: if this instruction is deleted, the results are undefined.


public int getEndPc()
Get the program counter end position for this exception handler. This represents an index into the code byte array.


public void setEndPc(int endPc)
Set the program counter end position for this exception handler. This represents an index into the code byte array.


public void setTryEnd(Instruction instruction)
Set the Instruction at the end of the try block. The Instruction must already be a part of the method. WARNING: if this instruction is deleted, the results are undefined.


public Instruction getTryEnd()
Get the instruction at the end of the try {} block. WARNING: if this instruction is deleted, the results are undefined.


public int getHandlerPc()
Get the start of the actual exception handler code. This represents an index into the code byte array.


public void setHandlerPc(int handlerPc)
Get the start of the actual exception handler code. This represents an index into the code byte array.


public void setHandlerStart(Instruction instruction)
Set the Instruction marking the beginning of the catch block. The Instruction must already be a part of the method. WARNING: if this instruction is deleted, the results are undefined.


public Instruction getHandlerStart()
Get the instruction marking the beginning of the catch {} block. WARNING: if this instruction is deleted, the results are undefined.


public int getCatchTypeIndex()
Get the index into the constant pool of the ClassEntry describing the Exception type this handler catches.


public void setCatchTypeIndex(int catchTypeIndex)
Set the index into the constant pool of the ClassEntry describing the Exception type this handler catches.


public String getCatchTypeName()
Get the class of the catch() type; returns null for catch-all clauses used to implement finally blocks.


public void setCatchTypeName(String name)
Set the class of the catch() type, or null for catch-all clauses used with finally blocks.


public Class getCatchType()
                   throws ClassNotFoundException
Get the class of the catch() type; returns null for catch-all clauses used to implement finally blocks.


public void setCatchType(Class type)
Set the class of the catch() type, or null for catch-all clauses used for finally blocks.


public void setMarkers(List opcodes)
Description copied from interface: InstructionPtr
Use the byte indexes read from the .class file to calculate and set references to the target instruction(s) for this ptr. This method will be called after the byte code has been read in for the first time.
Specified by:
setMarkers in interface InstructionPtr
Tags copied from interface: InstructionPtr
codes - the list of opcodes in the method


protected void copy(ExceptionHandler orig)


protected void readData(DataInput in)
                 throws IOException


protected void writeData(DataOutput out)
                  throws IOException


public void acceptVisit(BCVisitor visit)

TechTrader Bytecode Toolkit