TechTrader Bytecode Toolkit
Class ConstantPool


public class ConstantPool
extends Object
implements LowLevelConstants, VisitAcceptor

Represents a class constant pool, containing entries for all strings, constants, classes, etc referenced in the class structure and opcodes. In keeping with the low-level bytecode representation, all pool indexes are 1-based.

NOTE: Entries are not meant to be manipulated manually. If you change entries by hand, make sure to call the rehash(, int) method of the ConstantPool so that the entry is hashed correctly for quick lookups and to avoid duplicates.

NOTE: LongEntries and DoubleEntries are always followed by a PlaceHolderEntry in the pool, as they take up 2 pool indeces. When manually adding a new entry of these types, it is not necessary to insert the PlaceHolder as well; the system will do this automatically.

Abe White

Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
ConstantPool(BCClass owner)
Method Summary
 void acceptVisit(BCVisitor visit)
          Accept a visit from a BCVisitor, calling the appropriate methods to notify the visitor that it has entered this entity, and to provide it with the proper callbacks for each sub-entity owned by this object.
 int addEntry(Entry entry)
          Add an entry to the pool.
 void addEntry(int index, Entry entry)
          Set the entry at the given 1-based index.
static Entry createEntry(int type)
          Create an Entry based on its one-byte code: one of the constants in the LowLevelConstants class.
 int getClassIndex(String name)
          Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given class name.
 String getClassName(int index)
          Get the value of the entry at the given index.
 int getComplexIndex(String name, String desc, String owner, Class type)
          Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given complex entry.
 String getComplexName(int index)
          Get the value of the entry at the given index.
 String getComplexOwnerTypeName(int index)
          Get the value of the entry at the given index.
 String getComplexTypeName(int index)
          Get the value of the entry at the given index.
 Object getConstant(int index)
          Get the value of the entry at the given index.
 int getConstantIndex(Object value)
          Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given constant value.
 Entry[] getEntries()
          Get the entries in the pool.
 Entry getEntry(int index)
          Retrieve the entry at the specified 1-based index.
 int getNameAndTypeIndex(String name, String desc)
          Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given name+type.
 String getUTF(int index)
          Get the value of the entry at the given index.
 int getUTFIndex(String name)
          Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given UTF value.
 void readData(DataInput in)
 void rehash(Entry entry, int poolIndex)
          Rehash the given entry after modification; this allows for quick lookups and guarantees that entries won't be repeated in the pool.
 boolean removeEntry(Entry entry)
          Remove the given entry from the pool.
 Entry removeEntry(int index)
          Remove the entry at the given index.
 int setClassName(int index, String name)
          Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
 int setComplex(int index, String name, String desc, String owner, Class entryType)
          Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
 int setConstant(int index, Object value)
          Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
 Entry setEntry(int index, Entry entry)
          Set the entry at the given 1-based index.
 int setNameAndType(int index, String name, String desc)
          Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
 int setUTF(int index, String name)
          Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
 int size()
          Return the number of entries in the pool, including placeholder entries.
 void writeData(DataOutput out)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConstantPool(BCClass owner)
Method Detail


public static Entry createEntry(int type)
Create an Entry based on its one-byte code: one of the constants in the LowLevelConstants class.


public Entry[] getEntries()
Get the entries in the pool.


public Entry getEntry(int index)
Retrieve the entry at the specified 1-based index.
the specified entry, or null if invalid index


public Entry setEntry(int index,
                      Entry entry)
Set the entry at the given 1-based index.
the entry that was replaced


public void addEntry(int index,
                     Entry entry)
Set the entry at the given 1-based index.


public int addEntry(Entry entry)
Add an entry to the pool.
the index at which the entry was added


public Entry removeEntry(int index)
Remove the entry at the given index.
the removed entry, or null if none


public boolean removeEntry(Entry entry)
Remove the given entry from the pool.
false if the entry is not in the pool, true otherwise


public int size()
Return the number of entries in the pool, including placeholder entries.


public int getUTFIndex(String name)
Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given UTF value.
the index of the matching entry, or 0 if no match


public String getUTF(int index)
Get the value of the entry at the given index.
the value of the given entry, or empty string if the entry does not exist


public int setUTF(int index,
                  String name)
Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
the index of the entry with the given value, whether an existing one was found/modified or a new one was added


public int getClassIndex(String name)
Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given class name.
the index of the matching entry, or 0 if no match


public String getClassName(int index)
Get the value of the entry at the given index.
the value of the given entry, or empty string if the entry does not exist


public int setClassName(int index,
                        String name)
Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
the index of the entry with the given value, whether an existing one was found/modified or a new one was added


public int getNameAndTypeIndex(String name,
                               String desc)
Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given name+type.
the index of the matching entry, or 0 if no match


public int setNameAndType(int index,
                          String name,
                          String desc)
Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
the index of the entry with the given value, whether an existing one was found/modified or a new one was added


public int getComplexIndex(String name,
                           String desc,
                           String owner,
                           Class type)
Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given complex entry.
the index of the matching entry, or 0 if no match


public int setComplex(int index,
                      String name,
                      String desc,
                      String owner,
                      Class entryType)
Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
the index of the entry with the given value, whether an existing one was found/modified or a new one was added


public String getComplexName(int index)
Get the value of the entry at the given index.
the value of the given entry, or empty string if the entry does not exist


public String getComplexTypeName(int index)
Get the value of the entry at the given index.
the value of the given entry, or empty string if the entry does not exist


public String getComplexOwnerTypeName(int index)
Get the value of the entry at the given index.
the value of the given entry, or empty string if the entry does not exist


public int getConstantIndex(Object value)
Get the constant pool index of the entry for the given constant value.
the index of the matching entry, or 0 if no match


public Object getConstant(int index)
Get the value of the entry at the given index.
the value of the given entry, or null if the entry does not exist


public int setConstant(int index,
                       Object value)
Set the entry at the given index; if the given index is <= 0, a search will be performed for an entry with the given value, and, if it fails, a new entry will be added to the pool.
the index of the entry with the given value, whether an existing one was found/modified or a new one was added


public void rehash(Entry entry,
                   int poolIndex)
Rehash the given entry after modification; this allows for quick lookups and guarantees that entries won't be repeated in the pool.


public void readData(DataInput in)
              throws IOException


public void writeData(DataOutput out)
               throws IOException


public void acceptVisit(BCVisitor visit)
Description copied from interface: VisitAcceptor
Accept a visit from a BCVisitor, calling the appropriate methods to notify the visitor that it has entered this entity, and to provide it with the proper callbacks for each sub-entity owned by this object.
Specified by:
acceptVisit in interface VisitAcceptor

TechTrader Bytecode Toolkit