TechTrader Bytecode Toolkit
Interface VisitAcceptor

All Known Subinterfaces:
ConstantEntry, Entry
All Known Implementing Classes:
Attribute, BCEntity, ConstantPool, Instruction

public interface VisitAcceptor

Interface denoting an entity that can accept a BCVisitor and provide its internal state to it. All entities in the bytecode framework implement this interface.

Abe White

Method Summary
 void acceptVisit(BCVisitor visitor)
          Accept a visit from a BCVisitor, calling the appropriate methods to notify the visitor that it has entered this entity, and to provide it with the proper callbacks for each sub-entity owned by this object.

Method Detail


public void acceptVisit(BCVisitor visitor)
Accept a visit from a BCVisitor, calling the appropriate methods to notify the visitor that it has entered this entity, and to provide it with the proper callbacks for each sub-entity owned by this object.

TechTrader Bytecode Toolkit